4GoodCause è una start-up a vocazione sociale che supporta cause e progetti ambientali grazie agli acquisti responsabili dei suoi utenti.
4GoodCause è una start-up a vocazione sociale che supporta cause e progetti ambientali grazie agli acquisti responsabili dei suoi utenti.
- COMPANY: Solmielato beekeeping company
- CAUSE SUPPORTED: Urban Reloaded - Legambiente (Catania)
- ECOCASH GENERATED: ♥♥♥♥ € 0.68 for each product purchased will be donated to the supported cause.
This purchase supports the cause "Urban Reloaded promoted by Legambiente". If you want to donate the EcoCash to an alternative cause on 4GoodCause, remember to indicate the name of the cause you want to support in the "Additional notes on the purchase" during check-out.
Flowering time: April/May
Physical state: spontaneous crystallisation, crystallisation is accelerated by storage in the fridge at 12°.
Colour: in the liquid state it is almost colourless or straw yellow, crystallised it is pearly white or light beige
Odour: intense with the scent of orange blossom flowers
Taste: sweet and aromatic, slightly acidic
Size: 300gr
It is produced in citrus groves under organic or integrated cultivation, with the characteristic of the surrounding areas of uncultivated and pasture land, where the cultivation of different varieties of orange trees (navelino, tarocco, moro, sanguinello, valencia) is prevalent. The production areas are: Piana di Catania where the PGI blood orange is procured, coasts and valleys of Agrigento where the PGI blond orange riberella is produced.
The orange plant has a medium-long flowering period, around 15-20 days, depending on the climate and the variety of plant, in the months of April and May, when the flowers release an intense perfume, especially in the early morning and in the evening on fine spring days.
Orange honey has an intense aroma, a delicate and aromatic flavour, a very light colour, which becomes whiter when it crystallises, which occurs spontaneously a few months after harvesting.
Relaxing: ideal for those looking for a honey that can calm anxiety and give a sense of pleasant relaxation.
Digestive: after a heavy meal, it alleviates any stomach discomfort. Eaten as an appetizer, it stimulates the appetite.
Purifying: a spoonful of orange honey before meals, taken as it is or dissolved in a glass of lukewarm water purifies the body in case of minor food poisoning.
Nutritious: rich in vitamins and mineral salts, it also exerts a beneficial antioxidant action on the whole body, fighting free radicals.
4GoodCause Srl | Start-up innovativa
Sede Legale: Isola Catania P.zza Cardinale Pappalardo, 23 (CT)
P.IVA 05793760876
Foto di Gianluca Musmeci
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Spedizioni a partire da € 5,90
La bottega di 4GC è il luogo ideale in cui fare acquisti aiutando, al tempo stesso, le buone cause. Adottare uno stile di vita eco-sostenibile sarà sempre più semplice e ciascun acquisto o vendita ti darà l'opportunità di sostenere la causa ambientale producendo gratuitamente EcoCash.
Pagamenti sicuri attraverso il circuito PayPal, carte di credito Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
Acquista responsabilmente e ottimizza la spedizione, evitando di inserire nel carrello solo un articolo. Le nostre spedizioni sono effettuate con corrieri specializzati. In Italia a partire da € 5,90.
4GoodCause: consumo consapevole, cittadinanza attiva e nuovo modello di circolarità economica.
Luana Manca
2022-07-08 20:01
2022-07-08 20:01
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2022-01-12 17:30
4GoodCause sulla mappa di Italia che Cambia
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2022-01-11 00:00
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