Legambiente Catania
The start-up with a social vocation that supports causes and projects proposed by the community thanks to the responsible purchases of its users.
The start-up with a social vocation that supports causes and projects proposed by the community thanks to the responsible purchases of its users.
Legambiente Catania
address: Via Siena, 1, 95128 Catania CT
Phone number: 340 109 9363
e-mail: legambientect@yahoo.it
contact person: President Viola Sorbello
active cause
completed causes
Legambiente, with over 115,000 supporters, 1000 local clubs is the largest Italian environmental association.
Recognized by the Ministry of the Environment as an association of environmental interest, it is part of the Bureau Européen de l'Environnement and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Conservation of nature, protection of the territory, struggle against all forms of pollution, defense of citizens' health, protection of the artistic heritage…
There are many fields in which Legambiente is daily engaged at national and local Ievel.
In fact, their great battles are supported by the daily activities of over one hundred and ten thousand members and over two thousand circles and classes for the environment scattered throughout the country: numbers that make Legambiente the most widespread Italian environmental association.
Legambiente Catania is one of the first Legambiente circles founded in Sicily.
Its birth is linked to the first initiatives of the Sicilian environmental movement that led, in 1981, to the law establishing parks and nature reserves. The activities to safeguard the protected areas of the Etna Park, the Nebrodi Park and the "Oasi del Simeto" nature reserve have been supported by numerous initiatives to protect the natural environments at risk (coasts, waterways, wetlands, woods) in Catania and in neighboring areas obtaining significant results.
To find out what Legambiente does and how you can safeguard the environment, to improve the quality of life in the city or to support us in our activities, contact us by sending an email: legambientect@yahoo.it
virtuous supply chain
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