Welcome aboard 4GoodCause
The start-up with a social vocation that supports causes and projects proposed by the community thanks to the responsible purchases of its users.
The start-up with a social vocation that supports causes and projects proposed by the community thanks to the responsible purchases of its users.
4GoodCause Srl | Innovative start-up
office: Isola Catania P.zza Cardinale Pappalardo, 23 (CT)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
It's easier to use than to explain.
We have made it really easy for people to support the environmental projects of their territory, only through their daily purchases, without any surcharge.
For every purchase made on 4GoodCause, a share obtained from commercial intermediaries helps to support the project selected by the user .
In 4GoodCause you will find causes to support
In 4GoodCause everyone can propose sustainable causes, projects and ideas, whether they are of a personal nature or for the community, and request support from the community to be able to carry them out more easily. Creating a cause in 4GoodCause is free and donations received will be in EcoCash, our virtual currency that will be converted into real when the goal is reached.
Virtuous companies to discover
Companies and businesses that offer sustainability-oriented goods and services in any sector - from cosmetics and clothing to tourism and events, from food and wine to art and crafts - are welcome at inside the 4GoodCause community.
Here they will be able to talk about their passion for their work, their commitment to the community and the environment and at the same time to sell their products and services by supporting the causes of their territory.
Associations to be supported
4GoodCause helps associations to disseminate their environmental protection projects and supporting them in the collection of useful resources thanks to the EcoCash generator. By renouncing part of the revenues produced by the commercial intermediaries of the market-place, the projects proposed by the registered associations will be financed .
With 4GoodCause you basically
buy responsibly and support the causes proposed by the community.
In the 4GoodCause marketplace you will find quality, transparency, conscious and sustainable consumption, because the mission is to activate and feed a virtuous economy in favor of the environment and the community.
Now that you understand how to use it, climb to the top of 4GoodCause
We all love the top of the mountain, but the real happiness lies in the
way to reach it. If you decide to sell or buy in 4GoodCause you will produce EcoCash to be used to support the causes promoted within this circuit. You will help to trigger a circle virtuous that will help the environment and good causes. Here you will find the ranking of the most active users of our community.
notizie, aziende partner, associazioni partner, consumo critico, consumo responsabile, ambiente protetto, impatto sociale e ambientale,
4GoodCause: consumo consapevole, cittadinanza attiva e nuovo modello di circolarità economica.
Luana Manca
Luana Manca //www.4gc.shop/favicon.png
2022-07-08 20:01
2022-07-08 20:01
Uno dei principi su cui si fonda la nostra mission è quello del consumo critico e consapevole
notizie, cause attive, aziende partner,
The onlife 4GoodCause shop
Luana Manca
Luana Manca //www.4gc.shop/favicon.png
2022-01-12 17:30
2022-01-12 17:30
Making the analog and digital worlds coexist in 4GoodCause is a challenge for us...
notizie, notizie 4GoodCause,
4GoodCause on the map of Italia che Cambia
Luana Manca
Luana Manca //www.4gc.shop/favicon.png
2022-01-11 00:00
2022-01-11 00:00
Now you can find us also on the map of Italia che Cambia, the virtuous project that for several years has been telling us about our part of the country...
The triple impact of 4GoodCause